The logic of Star Wars...

The logic of Star Wars... Reviewed by Unknown on 12:51 PM Rating: 5


  1. A cordless headset is going to look pretty silly when you're in a fight and the thing flies across the cockpit out of reach when you're getting blasted and need to call for backup. Have you seen pictures of ISS? Everything is tied down that can be tied down. That's not a cable for purpose of lack of technology. It's a cable for security.

    1. That's a... pretty good comeback! But then, in all faireness, shouldn't they all be wearing space suits? Also, the Millennium Falcon has artificial gravity.

  2. Funny post. Made me laugh.

    Probably the biggest example of unusual Star Wars logic is the fact that the Death Star effectively had a two metre 'self destruct' shaft built into it, At the end of the day though, Star Wars is all about great story-telling, rather than absolute logic.

    1. I always build a two meter self destruct shaft into everything I own, just to keep me on my toes.
      BTW. If Luke had trusted the force and missed that fatal shot that destroyed the death star, we'd be thinking of him as such a dick for not using the tech equipment...

  3. But real pilots don't have cords going everywhere as well

    1. George Lucas is probably digitally remastering all 3 episodes to remove all the cords!

  4. What if they're jamming communications?

    1. If they're jamming the communications, Bob Marley will be trained as a Jedi.

  5. Man, people flying all across the galaxy in their spacecrafts, you think they're gonna want to fiddle around and change the batteries in their wireless headsets or stop to buy some double A batteries before their other batteries die? Fuck that!


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